Common Tasks in Python


Catherine Moez


July 10, 2023

This post will review some frequent tasks in Python.

Fake data from scratch

Create dataframe from scratch

You may want to create a simple dataframe manually, as follows.

You will first need to have Python and pip installed, for using packages such as pandas and csv.

import pandas as pd

Then a custom dataframe can be created:

# 'Dictionary of lists' method. 


mydf=pd.DataFrame(data) # Convert Python dict. to pandas dataframe

mydf #display it # any name possible
Firstname Lastname Grade
0 Kevin Andrews 65
1 Beth Crouton 72
2 Anthony Abbott 70
3 Clara Brown 80

Alternatively, a dataframe can be constructed from a list of lists:

import pandas as pd

data=[['Kevin', 'Andrews', 65],
  ['Beth', 'Crouton', 72], 
  ['Anthony', 'Abbott', 70],
  ['Clara', 'Brown', 80]]

mydf=pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['FirstName', 'LastName', 'Grade']) # name variables
mydf # display
FirstName LastName Grade
0 Kevin Andrews 65
1 Beth Crouton 72
2 Anthony Abbott 70
3 Clara Brown 80

Add custom row indexes with:

mydf = pd.DataFrame(data, 
  columns=['FirstName', 'LastName', 'Grade'], 
  index=['St1', 'St2', 'St3', 'St4'])

mydf # view
FirstName LastName Grade
St1 Kevin Andrews 65
St2 Beth Crouton 72
St3 Anthony Abbott 70
St4 Clara Brown 80

The section above is taken largely from, with outdated Pandas function ‘dataframe’ updated to correct it.

Save a dataframe to file

Once in Pandas (“pd”) dataframe format, write the dataframe (here called “mydf” but any name is possible) with:

mydf.to_csv("mydf.csv", encoding='utf-8')

Open a dataframe from file

More commonly, you may have a csv containing information that you want to open.

Read it in with:

import csv

with open('mydf.csv', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f) # temporary object
    docdf = [tuple(row) for row in reader] #tuple format as a list would be nested

docdf # View tuple version
[('', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Grade'),
 ('St1', 'Kevin', 'Andrews', '65'),
 ('St2', 'Beth', 'Crouton', '72'),
 ('St3', 'Anthony', 'Abbott', '70'),
 ('St4', 'Clara', 'Brown', '80')]
# Turn tuple version back into Pandas df. Simple version with manually entered variable names:

docdf2 = pd.DataFrame(docdf, columns = ['Index', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Grade']) 

docdf2 # View
Index FirstName LastName Grade
0 FirstName LastName Grade
1 St1 Kevin Andrews 65
2 St2 Beth Crouton 72
3 St3 Anthony Abbott 70
4 St4 Clara Brown 80

If needed, cut an extra header row out of the dataframe with:

docdf2 = docdf2[1:] #Keep row 1 (Python row 1, ie row 2) onward.

docdf2 # View
Index FirstName LastName Grade
1 St1 Kevin Andrews 65
2 St2 Beth Crouton 72
3 St3 Anthony Abbott 70
4 St4 Clara Brown 80
# Or, to use the first row as the column/variable names:

docdf2 = pd.DataFrame(docdf[1:], #pull content from 2nd row on
  columns = docdf[0]) #pull headers from 1st row

docdf2 # View (same result, other than un-named Index column now)
FirstName LastName Grade
0 St1 Kevin Andrews 65
1 St2 Beth Crouton 72
2 St3 Anthony Abbott 70
3 St4 Clara Brown 80

Select a column/variable in your dataframe

# By name

St1    65
St2    72
St3    70
St4    80
Name: Grade, dtype: int64

Select a row from the dataframe:

mydf[2:3] # Select only row 3 

  #(I.e.: Python numbered row 2, as numbering starts as 0, 1, 2)
  # And as the first number in a range is inclusive (2:3 includes 2)
  # But as the last number in a range is inclusive (2:3 excludes 3)
  # Variations: [2:] will select all rows from 2 onward; [2:4] will select 2 and 3; etc.
FirstName LastName Grade
St3 Anthony Abbott 70

Select rows based on information in a column

Use df.loc, similar to R’s which() function.

# Use df.loc to select rows based on information in a column:

mydf.loc[mydf['Grade'] == 80]
FirstName LastName Grade
St4 Clara Brown 80
mydf.loc[mydf['Grade'] <= 70]
FirstName LastName Grade
St1 Kevin Andrews 65
St3 Anthony Abbott 70

Other variations

# Is not

mydf.loc[mydf['Grade'] != 70]
FirstName LastName Grade
St1 Kevin Andrews 65
St2 Beth Crouton 72
St4 Clara Brown 80
# Two conditions

mydf.loc[(mydf['Grade'] >= 70) & (mydf['Grade'] < 80)]
FirstName LastName Grade
St2 Beth Crouton 72
St3 Anthony Abbott 70
# Condition is in a range of values, presented as a list:

mydf.loc[mydf['FirstName'].isin(['Anthony', 'Beth'])]
FirstName LastName Grade
St2 Beth Crouton 72
St3 Anthony Abbott 70
# Condition is in a range of values, numeric

mydf.loc[mydf['Grade'].isin([70, 72, 80])]
  # Note that this doesn't work well for an inclusive range of integers; 
  # use a 2-part statement with less than [number x] and more than [number y] for that.
FirstName LastName Grade
St2 Beth Crouton 72
St3 Anthony Abbott 70
St4 Clara Brown 80

Turn a column of dataframe into a list:

doclist = docdf2['FirstName'].tolist()

['Kevin', 'Beth', 'Anthony', 'Clara']

Alternatively, we can turn an element of the original tuples object ‘docdf’ to a list

doclist = [x[1] for x in docdf] #2nd element of each row to list; un-nest

doclist = doclist[1:] # cut out first element

['Kevin', 'Beth', 'Anthony', 'Clara']

Un-nest a nested list:

mylist = [[1,2], [3,4]]

mylist # view
[[1, 2], [3, 4]]
mylist_unnested = [item for sublist in mylist for item in sublist]
  # Edit out 'item' and 'sublist' for any words here; 
  # 'mylist' in the middle must be your original list's name, though.
mylist_unnested # view
[1, 2, 3, 4]

Compare by selecting one item from the list:

mylist[0] # first element
[1, 2]
mylist_unnested[0] # first element

These are some of my most-used functions. Enjoy!